Paul Del Bene ran away to the Circus at a relatively young age, and after clowning around in Japan for awhile moved to Europe. He has studied in France and Czechoslovakia and completed Scuola Teatro Dimitri in Switzerland as well as a B.A. in Theater and Directing in the States. He has performed in solo and company theatre performances throughout Europe, as well as in Russia and Finland. He has toured with Circus Monti and has performed for clients such as DHL Germany, ILM & Warner Bros. International. Currently he is working with Compagnia Teatro Dimitri and lives in Switzerland with his family.
Quotes about his work:
"He has mastered a level of physical comedy that combines commedia, clowning and dance in way reminiscent of the master comedians of the silent era, but with a flair and flavor uniquely his own!"
"I laughed so hard it hurt. Not just comedy that is genius in its simplicity, but excellent rapport with his audiences."
"He kept me laughing, you know what I mean, he was excellent, excellent!"